In this episode of La Moderna, the Garcés family faces new challenges and opportunities as they attempt to move forward in their lives. The story begins with a woman seeking a job at a prestigious establishment. She is turned down multiple times, despite her relevant experience as a waitress and shop assistant, and is left feeling rejected. However, she persistently asks for a chance to prove herself, eventually securing a trial position at La Moderna, an upscale store known for its distinguished atmosphere and clientele.
Her determination pays off when she convinces the manager, Fermín, of her potential. Though he is initially skeptical, he agrees to give her a two-day trial period to see if she can meet the standards of the establishment. The woman, grateful for the opportunity, promises not to disappoint and assures them she is fully committed to the job.
La Moderna is a refined place in Madrid, and its employees are expected to maintain an air of elegance and professionalism. The staff must always be poised, walk with grace, and greet customers with a smile, upholding the high standards of the establishment. The new employee is informed that if she succeeds, she will be expected to wear a uniform, and she will later be guided to tailor one for herself. However, the head of the department, Teresa, reminds her that these rules are strict, and failure to meet expectations will lead to dismissal.
The woman is warned not to get her hopes up too high, but she is determined to succeed, as she truly needs this job. The episode leaves viewers wondering whether she will be able to meet the demanding expectations of La Moderna and secure her place in the establishment.